Specialized Technical Services

Services & Equipment

We provide a variety of highly trained and professional services to meet our clients demand of diversification throughout the industrial sector and beyond. Our exceptional staff offer practical knowledge and years of experience to accompany our top-notch equipment. We take pride in being able to meet any requirement asked knowing our clients will get the very best the industry deserves.

Rescue Air Trailers

  • Highly qualified and experienced personnel accompany the latest technology with our trailers
  • All trailers are equipped and ready for site with a 5 SABA, 2 SCBA multiple manifold system for maximum coverage

Ice Profiling

  • Created and implemented a thorough ice testing standard practice and procedures manual based on the Government of Alberta field guide to “Working Safely on Ice Covers”
  • Apply the strictest of safety standards for all personnel on site

Technical Rope Rescue

  • Professionals certified in multiple areas of technical rope access including; high angle rig rescue, wilderness search and rescue, Industrial fall arrest systems, search and rescue management and rope rescue leadership training
  • Detailed scope of practice manuals and paperwork that exceed industry practice standards